ALC 2024: Youth Leaders across CACYOF Akinyele Region gather to 'see the future'


By Rachael Oke

It was indeed a look into the future as leaders across Christ Apostolic Church Youth Fellowship (CACYOF) Akinyele region gathered on Saturday March 9, 2024, at CAC Yaba DCC Headquarters, Lagos for this year's All Leaders Congress (ALC).

The programme which was tagged “See The Future” came with echoes adjourning leaders to return to the basics of the scriptures and the apostolic foundation.

Speaking during the first teaching on the topic “Face What You Face (Seeking Solutions to Contemporary Challenges of 21st Century Youths)” one of the guest ministers for the day, Pastor Tosin Gbadebo urged leaders to embrace a new mindset and go back to the word of God.

According to him, Christian youths have been called to shine as light to the world and the light can only be found in God’s word.

“We are the light of the world not of heaven; we are salt of the earth and supposed to make this place sweet”. He said. The light is in the word of God hence the need for us to eat it," he added.

Admonishing leaders, Pastor Gbadebo said that if there will be a solution to the social vices among youths, it will be filling their minds with the word of God.

“The battle starts and ends in the mind. Bring them back to the basics and fill their minds with the word of God.” He noted.

Similarly, CACYOF Akinyele Supervising Superintendent, Pastor S.E.A Oludare in the course of the second teaching titled “Carrying the Identity of True Apostolics” enjoined the leaders to return to the apostolic foundation laid by the fathers.

"Let us go back to Bethel, let us go back to the basics, let us go back to the upper room," he implored.

CACYOF Essien Regional Coordinator, Pastor Remi Adeyemi also emphasised during the third teaching titled “Bridging the Gap Between our Fathers and our Followers” the need for leaders to focus more on the strength of the fathers rather than their weaknesses in order to bridge the gap between the fathers and the followers.

According to him, considering the period and gap between the 1930 revival and now, and the seventy years given in the scripture as number of the days of man, a new revival should have been born by now.

It was on this note that he led the leaders into a powerful prayer session marked out by signs and testimonies.

It was indeed a great programme to be remembered by the attendees.

Other highlights of the programme were the reiteration of the region’s G.R.E.A.T. Agenda and peep into the campus leaders programme “Ablaze 2024”. 

The fellowship also hopes to gather leaders again in the course of the year in her quarterly programme tagged “Leaders’ Secret Place”.

 The theme for the upcoming edition, according to the regional coordinator, is “Covenant of Leadership.

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