Pastor Dada inducted 3rd Regional Superintendent, CAC Babalola Region


CAC General Superintendent, Pastor Emmanuel O. Odejobi administering the induction rite on the Region Superintendent of Babalola Region, Pastor G.S. Dada 

By 'Gbenga Bankole

History was made in Christ Apostolic Church, Babalola Region (Oyo State), on Saturday September 16, 2033 when the Church Authority inducted Pastor Gabriel Segun Dada as her 3rd Regional Superintendent.

CAC Babalola Region, which comprises 44 DCCs and Zones, had Pastor M.O. Oyepetun and Pastor J.O. Ogunwuyi (both retired) as her first and second Regional Superintendents respectively.

Pastor Dada was inducted by the General Superintendent of the Church, Pastor Emmanuel O. Odejobi, at a service which had in attendance the President of the Church, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele and his wife, Mrs. S.K. Oladele, wife of General Superintendent, Mrs. M.F. Odejobi, General Secretary, Pastor Emmanuel E. Mapur and his wife, Mrs. Fidelia Mapur and Finance Director, Pastor Johnson F. Omitinde and his wife, Mrs. Victoria Omitinde. Also in attendance are the immediate past Regional Superintendent of CAC Babalola Region, Pastor Ogunwuyi, Regional Superintendent of Odubanjo Region, Pastor B.O. Akanmu, Superintendent of Itire DCC, Pastor Gideon O. Oladokun, Special Assistant to the President, Pastor T.D. Asokeji, family, friends and lovers of Pastor Dada.

The service, held at the Regional headquarters of the Region, CAC Eleta, Ibadan was a celebration of God's faithfulness over the life and ministry of Pastor Dada and the Region.

In his message titled "A Leader's Sin" (Ezekiel 28:1-2), the President of the Church, Pastor Oladele said God is a God of order, He speaks to leaders and that is why He always communicates with the Israelites through Moses in most cases. 

The President said God always appoints a leader for His people, telling the congregation that "your leader may not be the oldest or most educated. Today in Babalola Region, Pastor Dada is your leader, therefore wait for your turn. There is nothing bad in serving those who are our seniors or juniors.

He said anyone who doesn't honour the leadership of the Church shouldn't expect any honour from God.

While saying that God doesn't raise leaders to lead His people, but a leader, Pastor Oladele explained that "the fact that we play leadership roles doesn't mean we are all leaders. Where everyone is a leader, there would be confusion. In our Board of Elders meeting, committee meeting, there must be a leader. At times the leader may not be the oldest or richest. You may be wiser than Solomon, your leader is your leader. To become a leader you must go through the pain of followership. Many haven't passed through followership and they want to become leaders. We have been through it. We know what it means to be obedient to our leaders and to serve a leader. We did it wholeheartedly.You can't tell me that because of your anointing you can't serve under a leader."

On the sin of a leader, Pastor Oladele noted that it's the sin of playing the role of God, adding that it was the sin of Pharaoh the king of Egypt, Herod Agrippa (Acts 12:20-24) and King of Babylon and it's going to be the sin of the antichrist (2 Thess. 2:4).

He also said that "Sitting in the seat of God is the temptation facing every leader. If there is anything a leader should be careful of, it is the besetting sin of pride. As leaders pride is not far from you."

He highlighted the following as the kinds of pride leaders are prone to;pride of personality, pride of position, pride of wisdom and pride of riches.

The President told the newly inducted Regional Superintendent: "you're only sitting in the seat of Regional Superintendent not the seat of God. Power is transient. Any position you occupy is in the interim."

On the role of flattery in pride, Pastor Oladele said Herod Agrippa was praised to death, many leaders have been praised to death by their followers, stating that no one is essential, but only Christ Jesus. 

Speaking on solution to pride, the Clergyman noted that looking unto Jesus and looking away from success or wealth is the solution.

In his induction speech, the newly inducted Regional Superintendent, Pastor Dada said: "today renews my commitment to always stand by the truth and to declare the gospel to as many as possible without fear. I declare today that I will continue to live an exemplary life in righteousness and in faith. Today, as I dream that the Region and the Church at large will experience a great transformation through my vision priority."

Unveiling his vision for the Region, Pastor Dada disclosed that "by God's grace I will assure an open administration. I envision that there will be Health Care Insurance for all members and Pastors alike. Through the help of God I look forward to constructing a befitting Regional Office preferably at the outskirt of Eleta.Evangelism will be given the priority it deserves thereby fulfilling the mandate of Mark 16:15, that says "go ye and preach the gospel to the whole world".Ultra Modern Worship Centers shall be built through the length and breadth of the Region. Continuous Training of Workers through Seminars and Retreats for Spiritual development shall be emphasized. I will endeavor to live by example."

Earlier in his speech, the Regional Secretary of CAC Babalola Region, Pastor O.A. Akinpelu said the Region as a pace-setter will continue to remain loyal and supportive to the Authority of the Church and also committed in making all policies and programmes effective at all levels in our Region.

According to him, this is the beginning of a new and dynamic era, and it is their sincere prayer that the administration under their new Regional Superintendent will be of great, positive impact and unprecedented success. 

"In conclusion, I thank the Church Authority, all the Fathers and their wives, all the Departmental Heads with their Representatives and every other personality whose names cannot be mentioned one after the other. I pray that the Almighty God will grant you safe travels back to your various destinations in Jesus name, amen," he concluded.

The service ended with presentation of gifts to the Regional Superintendent, thanksgiving and group photographs session.

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