The annual Rehoboth Open Air Crusade of Christ Apostolic Church, Mount of the Lord District, Badagry Districts' Coordinating Council (DCC), will start from the 7th to 13th of December, 2020
The theme of the programme is “Heal our land” with the Bible text taking from the book of 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 verses 14. The crusade is expected to start by 5pm daily at the church revival ground.
2020 Rehoboth crusade will come to an end on Sunday 13th December, 2020 with a Thanksgiving Service by 11am at each assembly under the District.
Pastor E.O Eburu is the guest minister for the programme. Other ministers of God that will minister at the crusade include Pastor J.A Abolaji who is the host and District Superintendent, Pastor E.A Adedeji, Pastor Fadipe Babalola, Evang. E. Omowaye and other anointed ministers of God.