Beware of distractions,Pastor Gbuyiro tells youths at CACYOF International Conference, Odo Owa Conference Centre

Pastor Samson O. Gbuyiro 

By Boluwatife Oparinde

Under a strong impression, perception and necessity to get the congregational youths rightly positioned for this year's edition of the Christ Apostolic Church International Youth Conference and Thanksgiving Celebration which commenced at Babajide region on Wednesday, 2nd August, 2023, the CAC Director of Youth Affairs, Pastor S. O. Gbuyiro, has charged the youths on doing away with distractions to experience the virtues that come from touching Jesus.

"Different things brought us here. Never you assume that the same thing brought us. So you need to know why you are here and make a position for your destiny."

The Director who gave this charge during an impactful ministration while giving his Welcome Address at the first day of the Youth Conference for Babajide region (Kwara and Kogi states), Odo Owa conference center, made allusions and drew applicable lessons from the story of the woman who had the issue of blood in Luke 8:40-47 under the topic "Somebody Touched Me".

During the conference holding at CAC Oke Isegun, Babajide Regional Headquarters, Odo Owa, the Youth Director who appreciated God for another youth conference, acknowledged the commitment of the regional leaders, ministers present, the choir and the entire youth body.

"Only a heart that is committed can champion this great assignment for the Lord particularly in a time like this," he said as he appreciated the Regional Superintendent of Babajide region, Pastor Owolabi and the Regional Youth Coordinator, Pastor Toromade.

The cleric who delivered the greeting from the authority of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas under the leadership of the President, Pastor S. O. Oladele, noted that "because we have come to meet with God, I consider it very necessary to get ourselves rightly positioned in order to receive what the Lord has for us in this meeting."

"When you find yourself in the midst of the crowd, you are likely to be distracted if you don't know why you are there. You are likely to take the voice of the majority for your voice. You are likely to assume that while others are responding to God, they are doing so on your behalf. That is why I consider it necessary to bring the word of God to us to get ourselves positioned for what God has for us in this gathering."

Charging the youths, the minister of God told the youths that such gatherings as the youth conference is unto the Lord who is well aware of those waiting on Him, adding that, "as we have come before Jesus this year, He knows my name, He knows your name. He knows your family background. He knows your predicament. He knows your situation. He knows what you are going through. He knows things that are beyond your power."

Making allusion to the woman who had the issue of blood, he exposed that Jesus came for and because of everyone in that meeting, expressing that despite Jesus' awareness of the predicaments of everyone  and His availability for all, only one person got the miracle. 

"How I wish today and in the gathering of this year, that you will be that someone. Some of them took His presence for granted. There was never a recognition of Jesus from those people," he added.

Drawing lessons for the youthful congregation on how the woman received her healing from Jesus, Pastor Gbuyiro noted her first action as singling herself out from the crowd, urging that because the crowd could be distracting, anyone who will call Jesus must single out himself from the crowd despite coming from the same house and church.

While noting that the second thing was a sincere desperation to get healed of her predicament, the clergyman pointed that, "you are not serious about a matter of your life until you become desperate in the spirit. To touch Jesus, everybody must be desperate to see Him. There are several sections in this meeting - prayer, lectures, impartation, mountain - but anyone who will touch Jesus here must be desperate. Until you are tired of your situation, it cannot change. To touch Jesus, you must have a strong desire to see Him."

Stating the third point as towing the lane of faith, Pastor Gbuyiro told the youths that the day a man takes a step of faith, that is the last time the man sees his problem. The cleric concluded with an altar call for salvation.


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