Pastor Olaiya finally takes a bow after 53 years of sacrificial kingdom exploits

By 'Gbenga Bankole

"Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof" says the Christian Scriptures and so it was for the immediate past Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church, Adamasingba Districts' Coordinating Council (DCC), Ibadan, Pastor Olaiya at his retirement service held last Sunday.

The programme was a celebration of a well spent and fulfilling ministerial service of kingdom exploits which has impacted positively many lives in Nigeria and across the globe. 

No words can describe the joy of the celebrant as he was given a befitting retirement service and it's not a gainsay that its memory will linger in the minds of Pastor Olaiya who spent 7 years and 8 months in Adamasingba.

It all started with an enthralling and inspiring praise and worship session by the choir, followed by the opening hymn and prayer session. 

The presence of the President of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele (who has been friends with the celebrant since the last 50 years) added glamour to the celebration. Also in attendance is the immediate past Regional Superintendent of Babalola Region, Pastor J.O. Ogunwuyi, incumbent Regional Superintendent of Babalola Region, Pastor G.S. Dada, Regional Secretary, Pastor A.O. Akinpelu, Special Assistant to CAC President, Pastor T.D. Asokeji and many others. 

Speaking about the celebrant at the event, the President of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor Oladele thanked God for the lifestyle, ministry and humility of the Pastor Olaiya. 

He noted that it's not easy to reach the height of retirement, being a special grace given by God.

Pastor Oladele speaking on his relationship with Pastor Olaiya said, "we have been friends since the year 1973. It's 50 years we met at CAC Bible College Akure. And we thank God that since then we didn't hear bad news concerning him. There are things we ought to do as church authority which we didn't do, but God the rewarder of all will reward him."

He urged the congregation to always pray for ministers who are still on the field to end gloriously.

The Planter, Christ Apostolic Church, Prayer Mountain of Mercy, Ibadan, Prophet Moses Aladeolu while speaking at the programme said the lifestyle of the celebrant, Pastor Olaiya is worthy of emulation.

He urged the congregants to live a fruitful life, saying that; "even if you build a thousand house, God will never be happy with you if you are not fruitful for Christ. Pastor Olaiya is fruitful for Christ. I don't need to pray for him because his prayer has been answered already. He has lived a godly life."

Prophet Aladeolu urged Ministers of God not to slack because the devil is working tirelessly to scuttle many ministries.

Earlier in his message, the Celebrant, Pastor Olaiya appreciated God for His grace sustained him.

"I want to appreciate my wife who went with me to different stations where I have worked. I want to appreciate God for my children. I would have built four or five houses in Ibadan, but I chose to train my children. They are my greatest assets. God helped me to give them quality education and they are doing well," he said.

The Celebrant appreciated God for the life of Prophet S.K. Abiara whose ministry he spent 29 years, explaining that; "my life was black and white when I got to him, but he added colour to my life. He took me round the world preaching the gospel, to the glory of God."

Pastor Olaiya further appreciated God for all the stations he worked, from Nigeria to abroad.

He told the congregants that God can turn their lives great as He did in his life and He will do more for them, urging them to stand firm in Christ at all times. 

While appreciating ministers and members of Adamasingba DCC, the Celebrant told them that all their works are not unto him, but God and they will receive their rewards in heaven.The service ended with special thanksgiving by the celebrant and his family, and group photographs.



Pastor David Abiodun Olaiya, was born at Odo-Owa Ekiti Ekiti State, on Friday, 15 August, 1948 into the family of Pa Ajayi Ogundele and Madam Aribike Ogundele, both natives of Odo Owa, Ekiti State.

The father was a farmer and a warrior, who held the title of Agoro Olokori of Ayenibiya family of Idogun Quarters, Odo-Owa Ekiti, and the mother also held the title of Ferebiekun Alogilowogbaje of Aworo Osun compound, Atiba, Odo-Owa, Ekiti.

The parents worshipped Ogun, the god of iron, and were lovers of the yearly Egungun festivals for which the town Odowa-Ekiti was popular. It was during one of such Egungun festivals in 1948 that young Abiodun was born and was named Abiodun, a symbolic name depicting the common name for every child born) during festivals whether Christian or Muslim or traditional worshipper. Pastor David Abiodun Olaiya was eleven years old in 1959 when he lost his mother Aribike, who died after a brief illness. The sudden death of his mother marked a turning point in his life, especially, his future educational and career trajectory.


Pastor David Abiodun, did not enroll in any formal education school until the age of seventeen years. In 1959 at the age of eleven years when the mother suddenly died, the door of Formal schooling closed against him. Through personal struggle, coupled with unalloyed determination, young Abiodun finished primary school education and later enrolled at the SDA Secondary Modern School, Ipoti-Ekiti. By 1971 he abandoned the course in preference for the call of God, which by then had become so fervent and effervescent spiritual force on him.

Between 1973 and 1975, he enrolled for a two year Bi e training course at the CAC Bible College, Akure, Ondo State. He was ordained an Evan jelist after the completion of the course. In 1980, as the Assembly Pastor of the CAC in Calabar, Cross River State, he was recommended for a two-year Bible training course at th CAC Seminary Ile-Ife, Osun State. He completed the course in 1982.

Among his classmates was Pastor S.K. Abiara, former General Evangelist of the CAC Nigeria and Overseas. They finished together and were both ordained at the same time.


Pastor David Abiodun Olaiya, as a young lad was baptized in 1968 by Evangelist 10. Babalola, with the baptismal name of David. His conversion from paganism to Christianity had an immediate effect on him, such that he suddenly rose with indignation against the family's name Ogundele, seeing it as a symbol of Ogun (god of iron),in his determination to do away with idol worshipping and as a remembrance of the profound role played by his late mother Aribilke, in her determination to guarantee him a future, he changed his name to Olaiya, the name he bears till today.


After his baptism and eventual conversion as a Christian, he took up appointment as a Gardner with the Christ Apostolic Church, ljero Ekiti, headquarters of his Local Government Council.

His presiding Pastor was Pastor J.O Olajide who later retired as deputy General Superintendent of the CAC Worldwide. He worked there until 1973. By 1975 he was posted to CAC Oke Ayo, No. 1 in Lokoja, now capital of Kogi State, under Pastor G.A. Alokan. He worked variously at Sintaku, Otukpo, Odugbo, Dohanah and Ogana, all in Ebiraland. Because of his extra-ordinary performance in those areas, especially, the efficacy of his

crusades and the spiritual development of the members, he was unanimously recommended as the District Evangelist for the Area. In 1977, he was posted from Lokoja to ljero Ekiti as a District Evangelist, and has a concurrent responsibilities for Alyetoro Ekiti. He was again transferred from Aiyetoro Ekiti to Erinjiyan Ekiti until 1980 when he was transferred to Calabar, Cross River State.


Pastor David Abiodun is a quintessential family man, who met his second half, Deaconess Eunice Modupe Olaiya in Lokoja, Kogi State in 1975. Young Eunice was an apprentice sewing mistress in Osogbo and she travelled to visit her maternal Uncle, Prophet A.A. Samuel in Lokoja, when the couple met

According to pastor Olalya, they met and like magnet, they became instant friends and by 1977 they solemnized their union in a holy wedlock. The marriage is blessed with six children, two men and four women, and they are all successful in their various chosen fields of endeavours.


According to Pastor David Abiodun Olalya, he achieved much while he was at CAC Agbala Itura. For example, he came from Calabar to join CAC Agbala Itura as an Assembly Pastor and he was soon promoted District Superintendent. He said Pastor S.K. Abiara linked him up with notable personalities in the society and it was

through their generosities that he had the initial opportunities to travel abroad for ministration and preaching of the word of God in places like Greece, Britain and Queensland. Subsequently, he has travelled to other places like the USA, Ghana, South Africa, Coted'ivoire etc. After fifty three years behind the pulpit and at seventy five years, Pastor David Abiodun Olaiya, has every reason to be full of thanks to God. Many things to be thankful to God for, but two are foremost. One for reaching the apex of his career, now retiring as DCC Superintendent, and two for retiring in good health, his eyes are not dim and neither are his ears deaf.

Photo Speaks!

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