It's time for you to be back to Bible, not back the Bible, Pastor Oladele tells ministers at EPIC 2023 Conference


CAC President, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele 

By 'Gbenga Bankole

The President of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele has implored ministers on the need to go back to the Bible and not back the Bible.

He noted that today there is hunger in the world we live, the world is hungry of sound doctrine and as Ministers they have the storehouse of the Bible and sound doctrine.

He added: "when people come to us they come in their sickness, as an Evangelist, Prophet or Prophetess you have no right to give them from your resource because you have no resource that can satisfy them. You're to give them from sound doctrine of the scriptures."

Pastor Oladele stated this on Wednesday while ministering on the topic "Death in the Pot" (2nd Kings 4:38-40) at 2023 Conference of all Evangelists, Planters, Prophets and Prophetesses at CAC Babalola Memorial Miracle Camp, Ikeji-Arakeji, Osun State.

"As an Evangelist, prophet and Prophetess you should always be conscious that you're in Gilgal. Giglal means the rolling place. The world is rolling, custom is rolling, education is rolling, church is rolling and many Ministers have rolled away. As the world roles, people like to roll with the world. Amazingly, the church is rolling with the world and if the world is rolling it shouldn't be ministers.  As rolling as the world is, as rolling as some churches may be, as rolling and rolling as some ministers may be, we have a duty in this inconsistent world to remain steadfast, not to roll with the world but to give the world direction. In the midst of the rolling, the Word doesn't roll. Church constitution may roll. Every church constitution is subject to review, not the Bible. God's word remains forever. It stands steadfast and it's sure," the President stated.

Quoting Jude verse 3, Pastor Oladele said if there is anything ministers need to contend for, it's not popularity, success or breakthrough, but the faith which was once delivered to the saints. 

According to him, Old Testament prophets always referred to the law of Moses and they never formulated or invented new laws. 

The Clergyman said there are many poisonous doctrines today that look attractive, when some ministers preach you know they are not growing,  what they say may be attractive, but it's not sound in doctrine. 

"Not everything we see out there is good. Don't mix the water of heresy with the true wine of the word of God. It is the duty of the minister to build people to the level that not every wind of doctrine will swing them away. It takes discernment to know the difference between miracle and magic. Some people like to oppose the truth by immitating the truth. If you have discovered that what you are serving the people is poisonous, start giving people wholesome biblical doctrine and teaching. If you have discovered that what you have been serving people is death in the pot, change today by putting life in the pot, give them sound doctrine," he said. 

The President concluded by singing the first stanza of CAC Hymn 507, saying "when you live for Him that died for you, you will feed people from God's pot. Those who come to you are not your visitors, they belong to God. Many Prophets are supposed to be jailed spiritually because what they are giving to their congregation is poisonous. You are not living for Jesus that died for you when you give people what is poisonous."

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