CAC leadership pragmatic, down to earth in beliefs, doctrines, response to problems of congregation, says Prof. Ayegboyin at CACTS 11th Convocation Lecture

Professor Deji Isaac Ayegboyin

By Boluwatife Oparinde 

"That the Christ Apostolic Church leadership is pragmatic, down to earth in her beliefs, doctrines and response to the problems of the congregation, is not doubt," said Professor Deji Isaac Ayegboyin, a Professor of Church History, Doctrinal Theology and African Christianity, Department of Religious Studies, Bowen University, Iwo.

The Baptist Reverend on Monday, 21st November, 2022, lauded the leadership of Christ Apostolic Church at the 11th Convocation Lecture of the Christ Apostolic Church Theological Seminary (CACTS) Main Campus, Ile Ife held at the Seminary auditorium.

Speaking on the topic, "Theology and Praxis of Divine Healing in Christ Apostolic Church: A Curse or Catalyst of Grace?", Prof. Ayegboyin eulogised that, "the CAC like other Aladura churches believe that human beings are vulnerable. Anyone who is not 'protected by God' is susceptible to all manner of afflictions and troubles, most of which are caused by unseen forces and powers. Whereas many in the western world doubt that there is demonic oppression, divination and healing by spirit possession, the Africans believe strongly in them. Thus, they seem to be in a better position to understand and appreciate the Gospel stories of acts of exorcising demons."

Relating the dynamics of CAC in the Prophetic Healing Movement, the Professor of Church History harped that, "the servants of the Lord who were used in the Praying Society which metamorphosed into the CAC were numerous. Apostle Babalola and some other prophets, and evangelists were most noted for promoting the preaching of the word accompanied by healings, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The result was more powerful performance in ministry, greater demonstration of God’s power. There was progressive step in the walk of the eternal Church to Her promised Canaan Land."

According to him, these prophetic movements are smeared by abuses so much that "if false prophets, wrongly motivated ministers, or immature saints begin to use prophetic ministry wrongly, it can cause great destruction in the lives of many people. That is why there is the urgent need to have transcendent checks and balances nationwide and in every local church, focusing more on those who plan to participate in propagating the prophetic."

Despite the negative description of Africa as a dark continent in certain quarters, Prof. Ayegboyin boldly asserted that Africa is at the forefront of the ministry in the world, describing it as "the vanguard of disseminating the light of the Gospel back to the northern continents each year. In the 21st Century particularly, from 2007, an estimated 18,400 Africans served as missionaries abroad and by 2016 the number had risen to over 550,000. African Christians now serve as missionaries, pastors, priests, nurses, and social workers overseas in countries in Asia, Europe, Russia, Oceania, and the Americas."

The academic and religious don, explaining the momentousness of the influence of the early African church fathers, highlighted seven ways Africa shaped the Christian mind, "The western idea of the University was conceived in Alexandria; Christian Exegesis (biblical interpretation) first matured in Africa; African biblical interpreters powerfully shaped most of the important Christian doctrines; Africa was the region that first set the pattern and method for seeking wider ecumenical consent on contested points of scripture; the African desert gave birth to worldwide monasticism; Christian Neo-Platonism emerged from Africa; and, Rhetorical and Dialectical Skills were sharpened in Africa for the Europe’s benefit."

Professor Ayegboyin counselled that, "for Christianity to continue to thrive in any nation, it (the Church), must not only be prayerful, but it must also watch and protect its territory, and must get involved in its (the nation) politics and decision-making processes about matters that affect its physical, spiritual, political and territorial integrity. This must be at the local, state, national and international levels. Watch and the time has come in Nigeria that the church must get actively involved in politics."

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