Prophet Olukosi harps on importance of mercy at "Hour of Mercy 2022" programme

Prophet S.O. Olukosi

It has been a moment of unforgettable divine encounter at the Hour of Mercy 2022 programme organized by Christ Apostolic Church, Achievers Assembly, Ilorin, Kwara State. 

The programme, with the theme "Father of Mercy" (Psalm 86:5) started on Friday 26 and ended on Tuesday 30th of August, 2022.

While ministering at the programme, the Superintendent of CAC Achievers Districts' Coordinating Council (DCC), Prophet S.O. Olukosi said our God is full of compassion, gracious, long-suffering, mercy and truth.

He noted that mercy is what made it possible for every generation to escape the punishment of sin.

Citing Romans chapter 3 verse 20 which says 'therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin,' the Cleric said man was qualified for punishment but mercy prevailed. 

According to him, Jesus Christ came to die for mankind despite our sin, the root of this is mercy, and mercy is the root of love.

He said the righteousness of God calls for punishment of sin, but Jesus came to the world to receive our punishment. 

"Jesus Christ absorbed the condemnation meant for us so that we can obtain mercy. Anyone who receive Jesus is no longer under condemnation but under Mercy.Because of Jesus, the door of mercy is opened.You have wept enough, this wave of Mercy will wipe your up tears. Shout this aloud; Mercy will locate me," he said and the people shouted it louder.

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