As the newly appointed CAC Regional Superintendents resumes

The newly appointed Regional Superintendents of Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide, officially resumed on Monday January 1st, 2018. CAC NEWS Publisher, 'Gbenga Bankole writes on their duties, expectations of people and how they can use this opportunity to prepare the church for the second coming of Christ.


As the newly appointed Regional Superintendents of CAC Worldwide resumes office, there is high hope that the new regional administrative, will indeed bring to fulfillment or reality the long awaited and prophesied end time revival in CAC Worldwide. The authority of Christ Apostolic Church Worldwide announced the appointment of regional superintendents for the newly created regions last year September. The regions were created for ease of administration.

In a press release obtained by CAC NEWS, signed by National Secretary of CAC Council of Publicity (CACCOPS), Pastor David O. Oladapo, the Church authority did an orientation programme for the appointed Regional Superintendents, gave them letters of appointment and allocated Region of operation to each of them.

This was done at Ibadan on Friday, 24th November, 2017. The Regions, with their respective coverage areas, Headquarters and Superintendents are as follows:

1. ADELAJA Region -Kano & Yola Conference Centres @ KANO (Pastor S.N.Maichibi)

2. MEDAYESE Region -Part North/Middle Belt @ ABUJA (Pastor G.C.Osuigbo)

3. OLUTIMEHIN Region -Port Harcourt Conference Centre @ P/HARCOURT (Pastor E.O. Ichelu)

4. BABALOLA Region -Oyo & Osun States @ IBADAN (Pastor M.O.Oyepetun)

5. ODUBANJO Region -Ondo & Ekiti States @ AKURE (Pastor S.O.Akinsulure)

6. HANSON Region -Edo & Delta States @ BENIN CITY (Pastor H.E.Edovie)

7. ODUSONA Region -Eastern States @ ENUGU (Pastor E.T.Ogunyinka)

8.BABAJIDE Region -Kwara & Kogi States @ ODO-OWA (Pastor M. A.Ogundeji)

9. AKINYELE Region -Lagos & Ogun States @ LAGOS (Pastor M.O.Yusuf)

10. LATUNDE Region - All America/Canada @ CAC VILLAGE, AMERICA (Pastor T.A.O.Agbeja)

11. ANOSIKE Region- All Europe @ LONDON (Pastor Medayese)

12. OROGUN Region - Other Africa Countries @ GAMBIA (Reg.Suptd to be appointed)

CAC NEWS gathered that despite the formation of regional administration, state councils (like Lagos 1, 2 and 3 councils in Lagos state) will not be abolished. The existing structure will make the regions work easier.

Duties of Regional Superintendents

In an exclusive interview with CAC NEWS, the Regional Superintendent of Babalola Region which comprises of Oyo/Osun state, Pastor M.O Oyepetan said that the duties of Regional Superintendents includes the following;  continue expansion of gospel by church planting through the region under their charge, effective and wise management of ministers, staff and materials,  seeking, loving and caring for members of the body of Christ without discrimination and effective participation in Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and Bible Society of Nigeria programmes. 

Other responsibilities according to Pastor Oyepetan are interaction with government to establish the presence of the prayerful role of our church in peaceful governance of our country, ensuring that all financial returns and levies due to the general purse are remitted promptly from their various region and spiritual revival of the gospel and loyalty and obedience to the church authority.

“During the orientation programme organized for us by the authority of CAC Worldwide, we were thought that the duties of Regional Superintendents are to oversee the work of God in the regions. They thought us that we will be in charge of DCCs, Zones, Districts and Assemblies. We were told that the work of God must move forward more than before in terms of planting of more churches, making people to be disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ and many others. The work of Regional Superintendent is bringing us back to the old vision of all our founding fathers which is to see that people give their lives to Christ and plant churches,” he said.

People Speaks

The Assemble Pastor of Christ Apostolic Church, New Life chapel, Temidire District, Ogijo Zone Pastor Johnson Oladele Akinbodu said that it is grace that the Regional Superintendent have received to be in that position and they should continue to work hard to take CAC to the next level.

“The Regional Superintendents should work hard to lift the growing assemblies. They should not think of their own alone. They should support the local assemblies. They should focus on developing the grassroots assemblies. They should work hard for the growth of CAC Worldwide,” he said.

The Superintendent of CAC Vineyard of Mercy District Coordinating Council, Sabo-Yaba, Pastor Anu Ojo while advising the Regional Superintendents noted that; “It is a large administrative work. I think what they need really is to settle down and see what is in the mind of CAC authority for reorganizing the administrative set up of the church. They should try to know what the authority of the church has in mind. They should get their master plan and study it very well. They need to look at how the regions they covered are doing at District Coordinating Council (DCC) level and how to bring them together. They need to think about things they can do that will affect them positively.  They need to see the appointment not just as a position, but great responsibilities or task because the work is enormous.

Some members of CAC Worldwide advised the newly appointed Regional Superintendents to organize regional crusades, plant more churches and focus on the development of grassroot assemblies.

They made this known through the Facebook page and WhatsApp group of CAC NEWS.

Mr Olakunle odejobi of CAC Mount of Peace District who congratulated them for the appointment said that they should concentrate on the development of grassroot assemblies and also their well being.

The District Youth Secretary, CAC Oke Ayo, Kosofe-Ajegunle District, Mr. Joseph Ayodele Ojo said "my advice for the newly appointed regional superintendent is that they should know that they are chosen for purpose not for post sake. They should do away with selfish interest by putting God first [Matt 6:33]. They should try and organize regional revival and open crusade so as to win a lot of soul for Christ by this more churches will be established. The welfare of members should be their first priority. They should try and be like the first church in Antioch."

He stated further that they should try and preach undiluted Gospel of Christ, adding that they should make sure they are approachable and correctable.

Pastor Gbenga Afolabi of CAC Strong Tower Assembly, Abule-Egba DCC Lagos advised the new Regional Superintendents to create more churchs as the forefathers of the church did in the past, adding that they should know that they were appointed to work because they represent God, the Authority of the Church, and the members.

Pastor Afolabi said that they must be diligent and faithful to the church Authority and God, praying that God of our fathers will make them to be Successful in Jesus' name.

Ojo Ezekiel , Press member , Mount Zion, Ota Ogun state stated that; "they should please prepare we upcoming youths ahead of marriage. They should try with the help of Holy Spirit to bring youths back to be Christlike."

Evangelist Olutayo Oketoki of CAC Eleta DCC Headquarters, Eleta, Ibadan advised the Regional Superintendents to encourage church planting so as to place the floating pastors.

He said that they should regularize the placement of churches into the appropriate and convenient zones or locations.

Evangelist Oketoki further stated that periodical and occasionally support for rural evangelism in all our churches or assemblies should be taken with all sense of seriousness.

"The Regional Superintendents should bring down the various offering collections to a reasonable position in our churches. Sound orientation, support and encouraging programmes should be rooted out for our talented youths. Empowering the evangelists, prophets / prophetesses and the church planters to be more relevant to the church administration. Periodical training / orientation to the church elders to curb their excesses in the church administration," he concluded.

Mr. Kehinde Olayinka Omoniyi of CAC Revival Centre, Akure, Ondo State said they should listen and be directed by the Holyspirit.

Elder Adediji O.G of C.A.C Oke Agbara nla, Powerline area,  Osogbo said that the God's Generals should ensure that procedure for establishing an assembly is duly followed.

Elder Adeniji said spiritual test must be carried out before the approval of new assembly, adding that they should set up monitoring teams.


The 12 regions and Regional Superintendents represent the 12 Apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ (without any Judas). Undoubtedly, the 12 Regional Superintendents are well experienced and anointed ministers of God who had an average of 30years experience in the ministry. God has used them mightily to plant so many churches and win uncountable souls for Him.

There is a need for them to hit the ground running as they resumed office in order for everyone in the church to start witnessing the purpose of creating the regions. Effective and fruitful evangelism starting from the church and particular in the rural areas must be their first priority. They should try to organize programmes that can impart lives, particularly the youths.


As we all await the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, it must be noted that the regions have a long role to play in reviving lives , bringing souls to repentance and preparing everyone for the great coming of Christ.

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