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Pastor Gbenga Aluko |
This message shall be treated with the following sub-heading:
1. Background to the study
2.Definition of the terms: information and revelation
4.Accessing information
5.Accessing revelation
Background to the study
The book of Daniel is in the Old Testament and was probably written sometime soon after the fall of Babylon in 537/536 BC according to scholars. Daniel one of the young men of Judah’s royal family who was taken captive from Jerusalem in 605BC by the Babylonians is the central figure of the book.
The second chapter which is the focus of this teaching features Nebuchadnezzar’s first dream concerning His future, although Daniel amongst others can be referred to as educated/informed Dan1:4ff, Dan 5:11ff, only he could by God’s grace/revelation unravel a dream dreamt by another and gave the interpretation, this underscores the edge of revelation over information and also the fact that God alone/only knows and controls the future. May we be blessed by this lesson in Jesus mighty name. Amen.
Definition of terms
According to Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary International Student’s Edition Eight Edition: Information is facts or details about someone or something. Revelation is the act of making people aware of something that has been secret. Revelation is the brief view into mysteries/hidden details through the eyes of God/with the help of God Deut.29:29 (mine). All revelation comes with or in a form of information but information ordinarily is not always revelatory.
*Everyone not minding the calling or endeavour needs information and revelation to make an unusual landmark/impact. Some examples:
1.Mordecai got the information that the Jews are to be killed and that was the foundation for their deliverance although information only exposed the plot/problem revelation/inspiration provided the solution. Esther 4:1
2.David got the information on what would be done to whoever fights and defeats Goliath and that was what spurred him into action 1Sam 17:26ff (this does not undermine Gods backing and program for the life of David which played a great role in the unfolding events in his life ).
3.David at a point needed more than information to know If he should pursue, will overtake and recover all, this he got this via direction/revelation 1 Sam,17:26 may God in His infinite continue to supply our lives with the needed information/inspiration/revelation in Jesus mighty name .Amen.
4.Information is stored in and is processed by the brain while revelation is a spiritual exercise. The best any minister who only feeds God’s flock with information only (no revelation from GOD) will have is INFORMED SINNERS/ or members with FAT HEADS BUT LEAN SPIRITS.
5.The source of information are usually not for a person only while revelation from God is usually personal, God despatched an angel to open the eyes of Hagar to a well nearby while she was waiting to die of thirst. Gen 2:19, (it is however important to implore us on the need to balance any revelation on the basis of the word of God). Abraham gave Hagar and her son a cup of water why God opened her eyes to see a well a call for us to keep looking to our heavenly father for solutions to our problems.
6.To succeed in life information is vital while for and in ministry, revelation is an irreplaceable requirement by God’s standard.
Accessing information
What we are looking for determines where we look to, but information generally are: common knowledge, does not need any special access or entry codes. All that is required is knowing where what we need is and how to get it. Generally information can be reached from the following sources: articles, journals, magazines, books, concordances, encyclopaedia’s, dictionaries, record/history documents/writings, resourceful persons, the internet etc.
Accessing revelation Job 12:22
God owns all secrets Deut. 29:29, 1 Cor.2:10 the spirit searches ALL THINGS yea the deep things of God
God reveals this in bits Dan.2:1ff He revealed to the heathen king for the first time his future
To freely and continually enjoy Gods revelations, you must be His Amos 3:7 God reveals mysteries only to those who are His servants.
We can call for mysteries Jer. 33:3 call to me and I will answer and I will show to you great and mighty things which you do not know.
Information is needed because we are still in human flesh (although as spiritual beings), the human system/world is administered by information, instructions and directives/laws, we need to know and align appropriately to fit in here. However we can’t do without revelation as it is our: spiritual advantage/edge, irreplaceable armour, our positive catalyst for real, lasting, spiritual and physical landmark/breakthrough by God’s standard and perspective. May we receive the revelation that our lives, family business, careers and ministry needs in Jesus name.
For we know in part…
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