Pastor Sodeke inducted as 3rd Superintendent, CAC Oke-Ado DCC


Regional Superintendent of CAC Babalola Region, Pastor G.S. Dada administering the induction rite on Pastor P.O. Sodeke

The Authority of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, has inducted Pastor Paul Olutunji Shodeke as the 3rd Superintendent of CAC Oke-Ado Districts' Coordinating Council (DCC), Ibadan, Babalola Region, Oyo State.

Pastor Sodeke was inducted by the Regional Superintendent of CAC Babalola Region, Pastor G. S. Dada who represented the Church Authority. It was a case of predecessor inducting his successor as the Lord has arranged it. It would be recalled that Pastor Dada was the Superintendent of Oke-Ado DCC before he was appointed by the church authority as the Regional Superintendent of CAC Babalola Region.

The glamorous service, held at the Oke-Ado DCC headquarters in Oke-Ado, Ibadan last Sunday had in attendance the President of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor Samuel O. Oladele; General Evangelist, Prophet Hezekiah O. Oladeji; Finance Director, Pastor Johnson F. Omitinde; Secretary of CAC World Evangelistic Outreach, Pastor J.O. Makinwa; DCC Superintendent of CAC Adamasingba DCC, Pastor Joseph Adigun and many others.

In his message at the programme, the Regional Superintendent of Babalola Region, Pastor Dada urged the members of the church to view their new Superintendent, not as a mere errand boy, but as a respected and honored leader. 

According to Pastor Dada, Pastor Sodeke is the man who represented the highest echelons of their faith – a direct representative of God and the Authority of the Christ Apostolic Church, both in Nigeria and Overseas.

He continued that, as the head of the DCC headquarters, Pastor Sodeke’s role is multifaceted - he is to be seen as a divine ambassador, an insightful teacher, a dedicated pastor, a humble servant, and a guiding leader; reminding the congregation that their support and respect are crucial in nurturing a positive and effective church environment.

The Regional Superintendent also took a moment to advise Pastor Sodeke directly, stressed that this new role was not just a job, but a privileged opportunity to serve God at a higher level. 

Pastor Dada’s words were imbued with wisdom, emphasizing the need for spiritual growth within the church during Pastor Shodeke’s tenure. 

He cautioned against the pitfalls of greed and covetousness, warning that such vices could tarnish a minister’s respect and integrity, both in the eyes of God and man.

Before the sermon, an induction speech set the tone for the ceremony, as Pastor Sodeke and his wife were presented before the church, the DCC executives, and the council of CAC Oke Ibukun Oke Ado; the guidelines of his new office were outlined, solidifying his role and responsibilities.

This moment also included a special introduction of Pastor Shodeke’s wife to the leaders of the ministers' wives and the women’s representative group. It was a gesture that underscored the importance of familial support in church leadership.

The ceremony reached a spiritual climax when the General Evangelist of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, Prophet Hezekiah O. Oladeji was called upon to bless Pastor Sodeke and his wife, a significant act that symbolized the start of their new journey in faith and leadership.

The President of Christ Apostolic Church, Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor Oladele then formally introduced Pastor Sodeke to the congregation, marking a new chapter for the church, one filled with hope and expectation under the guidance of their new Superintendent.

The induction service was a grand affair, attended by dignitaries from around the world. Friends and family of Pastor Sodeke, along with pastors and their wives from across the DCC, gathered to witness and celebrate this significant event.

The air was filled with a sense of unity and purpose as the congregation welcomed their new leader. It was a day that would be remembered as a turning point for the Christ Apostolic Church Oke-Ibukun Oke Ado – a day when a new leader was embraced with respect and hope for the future.

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