Easiest, surest way to secure future is through biblical sound doctrine, Pastor Caleb tells youths at Kano Youth Conference Centre

Pastor A.O. Caleb

By Boluwatife Oparinde

"Any attempt to attain the future but not on God's terms (doctrine), regret, and calamity shall be the outcome. Do you desire your future? The easiest and surest way to achieve this is to abide by sound biblical doctrine," the District Superintendent of CAC Fulfillment District, Kano, Pastor A. O. Caleb has told youths.

Pastor Caleb who charged the youths on "Secure your Future through Sound Doctrines" being the title of the first lecture of the Christ Apostolic Church International Youth Conference, Kano Conference Center (comprising of all states in Adelaja region) holding at Adelaja Regional Headquarters, Kano State, emphasized the necessity for contemporary Christian youths to be grounded in sound biblical doctrines.

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"We live in a world that is polluted and permissive. Generally, there is hatred for the truth and sound biblical doctrines. The sound doctrines of the scriptures are viewed as a grievous burden, just as they were for the Israelites with Yahweh's doctrines in the Old Testament. Due to this, we no longer care about how success is achieved. Success is celebrated regardless of the evil involved. The increased number of godly people who are making it in our world has made many of us believe that being godly has no terrestrial reward. This is not true," he said.

The cleric who is also the Adelaja Region CACMA Coordinator encouraged the youths that God is interested in their glorious future and will readily help them get their but on His own terms, adding that "you cannot obey God's dosctine and remain a failure."

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Defining doctrine as a body of belief about God, Christ, Man, and other related concepts considered authoritative and worthy of acceptance by members of the community of faith, the clergyman said that "Christian doctrine is what the entire Bible has to say on a particular subject. Doctrine is the way the central themes of God's revelation in scripture are summarized and taught."

"Doctrines are catalysts that ensure the fulfilment of the future. And without sound doctrine, the future may elude one," said Pastor Caleb.

The District Superintendent who charged the youths that to secure the future, it is pertinent to, study the word of God, flee youthful lust, fellowship with the brethren, avoid association with fools and ungodly, totally rely on God, be diligent, pray always, not take harsh and fast decisions, as well as obey the church authority, also related the hindrances to living by sound doctrine as, ignorance, prosperity of the ungodly, ungodly association, ungodly civilization, inadequate godly leadership and ungodly companion.

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Pastor Caleb furthered that Rueben, Hophni and Phinehas, Absalom, and contemporary celebrities who mock God's doctrines are examples of youths who destroyed future by disobeying sound doctrine, while he highlighted Joseph, Daniel and Ruth as examples of youths who secured their future through sound doctrine.

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