Satan can’t operate where Holy Spirit is in control— CAC President, Pastor Oladele

President, CAC Nigeria and Overseas, Pastor S.O. Oladele

In this interview with the President of CHRIST APOSTOLIC CHURCH, NIGERIA AND OVERSEAS, PASTOR SAMUEL OLUSEGUN OLADELE, he fielded questions with CHRIST APOSTOLIC Magazine team of PASTOR ADE ALAWODE, EDITOR, PASTOR ABIODUN AJAO and ISRAEL AFOLAYAN, the President speaks on the theme chosen for this year’s conferences in the Church. He also spoke about the state of the nation. Excerpts: 


Sir, the theme of all our conferences this year is, ‘Spiritual Power and Gifts for the body of Christ’. Are we focusing on this because we observed that some spirits, other than the Holy Spirit is controlling the Church?

We cannot but talk about the Holy Spirit because the Church, (I mean the Church universal) was birthed through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit has always been the power behind the Church of Jesus Christ. In Church history, there was a period known as the Dark Age when it was not the Bible, but the priests, that were controlling the Church. Church members just had to depend on what the priests told them. There was no revelation, no light of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit was just pushed aside. However, we thank God who in His sovereignty does intervene, from time to time, in the matters of the Church. In the case of Christ Apostolic Church, we know that the days were dark before the 1930 revival. It was that evil (and) lethargic condition of the Church that spurred our forebears to seek the face of God, which they did for ten good years.  As they prayed from 1918 to 1928, they were hungry for Holy Spirit revival because they realized that without the Holy Spirit the Church cannot move forward. God did answer their prayers and in 1930 the Revival broke out in Oke Ooye Ilesa. We are not unmindful of the fact that Satan and his cohorts will trouble the Church by bringing up some things that are not of God – such as demonic and carnal manifestations but the Holy Spirit of God, who is in charge of the Church will not allow the activities of demons and other spirits to thrive. Remember, it was like that in the days of Peter and Paul etc. who had to confront some magicians who called themselves the power of God in those days. It is not strange to see some spirits that would want to trouble the Church but with the Holy Spirit in charge, those other spirits must bow.


But do you think that the Church can still witness a visitation of the Holy Spirit as was the case in 1930?

We don’t have the absence of the Holy Spirit, He is always with us. However, what we need is to let Him take His place (manifest) among us. The Apostles waited for ten days until they were endued by the Holy Spirit. The waiting was necessary then because the Holy Spirit had not yet come upon them but today we do not have to wait because the Holy Spirit, having descended upon the Church on the day of Pentecost, has been here with us but we need to acknowledge His presence and activities in the Church. All what we are seeing today are not just the works of men, the Holy Spirit has always been in charge of the Church. However, revival is not supposed to be seasonal occurrence but should be the norm in the Church. That is what we hope for. We know that we are due for revival and when revival breaks out you will see some other wonderful things happening. It is not that there is a total absence of the Holy Spirit in the Church. You see that more Churches are being planted, miracles are taking place, prayers are being answered, testimonies abound everywhere and all of that. Nonetheless, they are just like dew drops compared to what God has in stock for us. There is always more of God and more from God. We wish to see more activities of the Holy Spirit and more of His operations among us. You know that Jesus said I am not going to leave you as orphans. If the Holy Spirit is not with us then we shall be like orphans because there will be no guide, no captain, so, there will be nothing to lead us; nothing to guide us. He has always been with us, but we want more. There is always something more that God can do.

You mentioned the fact that the Holy Spirit has always been with us, but revival is something that has to be the norm. The problem today is that there are so many revivalists, many of them are not operating at the level of the Holy Spirit.

I don’t know of any in Christ Apostolic Church.

I am not talking of Christ Apostolic Church Sir. I am talking generally about the Christendom.

In Christ Apostolic Church, if it is reported to us that some people are using diabolical means to work for the Lord, we will have to deal with them. You know, there is no where you go that you will not find those who would want to imitate the power of the Holy Spirit. It was like that in the days of the Apostles. The Bible tells us of the seven sons of Sceva who tried to imitate Paul. Their successors have always been with us but when the Holy Spirit is active in the Church, those other spirits will have no place, they will be exposed.

In an interview with you sometimes ago on the ministry of the Holy Spirit, you said that the Holy Spirit given to our Lord, Jesus Christ was without measure but the Holy Spirit given to the Apostles and their descendants, including us, is measured. Yet Jesus Christ promised that the works that He did, we will do more even with our limited Holy Spirit. Kindly throw more light on this sir.

The ‘Greater works’ will not be in terms of quality, but in terms of size. When our Lord Jesus Christ was here physically, He is always here with us anyway because He is omnipresent, but when He was here physically His ministry was confined only to the land of Israel. He did not travel to any other country, except when, as a child, He was taken to Egypt for safety from Herod’s plot. There is this poem written about Him titled: “One Solitary Life”. The poem claimed that He never travelled more than 200 miles from the place of His birth. So, it was kind of a limited sphere for His ministry. When He said, ‘Greater works shall ye do’, remember that He was the one that told His disciples, “tarry in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes upon you, then you shall be my witness in Jerusalem, in Judea and Samaria and the uttermost part of the world.” He did not go to the uttermost part of the world when He was here physically. So, in terms of volume and reach we are doing greater works but in terms of quality there is no work that we do that can compare to His.

Your trips to Europe, America and Canada were well reported online. Compared to the Church at home (I mean CAC this time) how do you rate the fervency of our brethren abroad?

We thank God for Christ Apostolic Church and for our brethren in the diaspora. We live in the days of competition, whether we like it or not. Although there should be no room for competition in the ministry but completion, the fact remains incontrovertible. I have always said this about King Sunny Ade’s song  that we have adapted, ‘CAC yi ti gbogbo wa ni, ko ma gbodo baje; Tori ko si bomiran ti a le lo, ajo ko da bi ile; Ejeka so ‘wo po ka fimo sokan, gbe kemi gbe” (Translated: This CAC is for us all, it must not be destroyed; for there is no other place we can go… let us jointly lift it). That aspect of the song which says, ‘we have no other place to go’ cannot be true as there are many other places that we can go. For instance, in the last forty years or more, I have had several invitations to join some other Christian ministries, with promises of very attractive largesse, and sometimes under intense pressure but I declined the various offers because the Lord has called me to stay in Christ Apostolic Church. Similar pressures may have be mounted on some of our brethren by other ministries and denominations but to have them over there in Europe, the United States and Canada maintaining their membership of Christ Apostolic Church and they are not ashamed of Christ Apostolic Church is highly commendable. That is why, anytime I travel and I see them, I commend them for staying within the fold of Christ Apostolic Church. The fervency is there, the zeal is there and the identity they don’t want to lose at all. We thank God for what He is doing among our brethren in those places.

Talking of being loyal to a denomination, these days, we find that people just take exit from known denomination in which they first started as they wanted to be independent. I want you to comment sir, what are the disadvantages of separating oneself from a well-known denomination like Christ Apostolic Church in order to go solo?

Well, when it comes to ministry, there are two basic questions that must be answered. We will take our cue from Apostle Paul. When he met the Lord on the way to Damascus he asked two questions of the Lord. Number one question was, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ and the second one was, ‘What would you have me to do?’ Those two questions are basic in the life of any minister of God. You must know the Lord personally. Throughout his life and ministry one of Paul’s stirring desires was to know the Lord and have a personal relationship with Him. In his epistle to the Philippian believers he declared, ‘that I may know him…’ Philippians 3:10. He eventually knew the Lord through many things including miracles, wonders, conversion of souls and even suffering yet that desire remained, to know Him more and more. Same should be the desire of every believer, nay minister, to know the Lord personally. Number two question, ‘what would you have me to do?’ One must realize the fact that there will be interests that will beckon to us, ‘come and do this, come here, go there’. Many invitations will come our way, but of all these invitations, pressures, and inducements we must ask, ‘what would the Lord want me to do?’ Every Christian minister should be able to know what exactly the Lord wants him to do and where He wants him or her to be. We cannot all be in the same denomination or ministry. We thank God for how He operates. Sometimes, a Church like ours could just serve as a training ground, a place of preparation for some people before they go out. Some may go solo, if that is the will of God for them. If there is a kind of express divine revelation from the Lord to leave a big denomination like ours to go solo then so be it. We thank God that CAC has produced many big names in the ministry today such as Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo, Dr. D.K. Olukoya, Pastor Amos Fenwa, Prophet Wole Oladiyun and many others like that who still maintain a very strong relationship with us. Infact, hardly would you will you see a minister who is doing great exploits for the Lord today, in Nigeria and overseas, that will not, in one way or the other, be connected to CAC. So, once you know that this is the express will of God for you, then go but don’t go in annoyance, don’t go by rebellion, don’t go by fighting, don’t go by creating problem for the denomination from which you are exiting. It’s good to do it in a way that will give God the glory.


What can we say of those who are leaving just because they don’t want anybody to control them?

Well, that’s up to them. However, there is no way such people would not regret their taking some measure. The Bible says that we should honour one another. We should do so in the spirit of God. You have to submit to one another in fear of God. That is what we saw in the lives of our forebears each of whom would have become a big ministry or denomination if they went their separate ways but decided to stay together and submit to one another in the fear of the Lord. For instance, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola was such a greatly endowed man of God yet he submitted himself to the authority and leadership of the Church. Whatever he was asked to do he did; he would always return after every ministerial assignment to give report to the Authority. He was such a meek man that he would not lift his face to speak to the leaders. However, if you want to leave the Church because you do not want discipline or you just do not want to be under anybody you still may successful but there will be something to regret later. People tend to take undue advantage of our magnanimity in CAC, they use our name in starting their ministry, go on air in our name etc. and yet do not want to be under authority. You dare not do that any other denomination. In the book of Isaiah chapter 4:5, the Bible says, “…over all the glory there must be a covering”. If you go and there is no covering on your head that is up to you but there is always something to regret about. Even those who left by the will and express permission of God, they still have their link with the Church. I will not mention names but I know those who left and it is well known that that is the will of God for them yet they still defer to some fathers of the Church as their fathers. If people like that still maintain their links with the Church, what do you think is going to happen to those who left in annoyance or out of rebellion?

The laissez faire attitude of the Church as regards people who are springing up giving their churches the name Christ Apostolic Church, yet without having any link or liaison with the authorities of the Church, isn’t it high time we took action to rein in those people?

That is one of the fallouts of the crisis that has been our lot for the past 34 years. We pray for total reconciliation and unity of the Church; once that happens then those who like to take advantage of us will have no hiding place. For sometimes, when you see someone setting up a Church bearing the name “Christ Apostolic Church” and you challenge him or her knowing that it is without due authorization then s/he would tell you that,  ‘our own church does not belong to you, we are under the leadership of “the other side”. So what do you do? That is why we are praying that the Lord in His sovereignty will intervene bring the Church to unity so that there will be no hiding place for such people who take advantage of our benevolence and liberality.

The spread of the gospel was originally from Europe to Africa. But these days, because of liberalism and concession of human rights of all kinds, the European society is becoming too secular and our people are the ones taking the gospel to Europe now. What impact are we making especially in Europe and America?

If you study Church history, you will observe that the Church started in Jerusalem. Jerusalem used to be the very centre of Christianity but later it moved to Antioch of Pisidia. It was in Antioch of Pisidia that the prophecy came that Paul and Barnabas should be separated for the work unto which the Lord had called them. Acts 13:1-2. So, the Church at Antioch of Pisidia was a ‘Sending Church. They sent out missionaries. So, from Jerusalem to Antioch, then to Europe and other parts of the world that was how the centre of the Church moved. God had a programme for every continent of the world to experience this dynamism by bringing the centre to a particular country or continent and through which that continent will be blessed. So, I think it is turn of the continent of Africa to serve as centre of the gospel. That’s why today the gospel is being taken to those who once brought it to us. IF you go to Europe today, on Sundays you will see people going to the beaches and other places of sports and entertainment rather than being in the Church. Infact, Church means nothing to them. At the same time, you will see Africans, nay Nigerians going to Church and they are making impact the European societies. They work in the country, pray for the country, evangelize and do all sorts of Christian works. This is in addition to performing their civic responsibility creditably well too. I remember that some years ago the then British Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron, went to see Baba Adeboye when he visited London, and he prayed for him. There are indeed many ministries in Europe, Pastored by Nigerians, that are doing great exploits for the Lord. The Government of those countries have come to acknowledge this fact. I know of a Church in Brixton that serves as a rehabilitation place; when you go to that church you will see people who were once drug addicts, prostitutes and criminals now rehabilitated and serving as members of the Church. The Government gives them support because of the role that Church is playing by helping to keep the street safe through its evangelistic ministry to people. The impact is there for everyone to see that this is not a child’s play.This is the time that God has set apart for Africa to impact the world with the gospel.

In recent times some of the European leaders and politicians, having noted the way some other people from other cultures and religion are taking over their society are declaring that their society is a Christian society. Don’t you think Christians in Africa should do more to return these people to the Christian principles that established their society?

I don’t think there is any country in the world today that can be called a Christian country. Yes, they may be tolerant of other faiths, they may be liberal and make laws that allow you to practice your religion but there is no country in the world that could be called a Christian country by practise. But then, some people are waking up now in Europe because it is apparent that adherents of some other religions are taking over their society. Today there are talks about the Islamic agenda but I ask ‘What exactly is the Christian Agenda?’. We should be up and doing as regards the Great Commission because Islam is no child’s play. The muslims will take the time, spend the money, and give whatever it takes to actualize the Islamic Agenda. Their goal is to take over all church buildings that had been put in place several years before Islam was born. Turkey used to be a predominantly Christian society. Infact, the seven Churches mentioned in the book of revelation were located in Asia Minor, now in modern Turkey but it is now a Muslim country. The Hagia Sophia in Turkey which once used to be the largest cathedral in the world has now been converted to a mosque. European countries have a lot to learn from this and wake up. It should serve as a clarion call to all of us here too in Africa. We have to wake up from our slumber and see to it that the heritage we have is not taken away from us.


Back home Sir, are you satisfied with the impact that the policies of your administration is making on the Church?

Yes, of course. Although nobody can do it all yet we have to thank God. It has not been easy especially when you want to carry on with reforms you have to step on toes. Some people may not be happy but we have to thank God that He is with us. Anytime I pray to the Lord I thank Him for how far He has helped us. Generally, people are averse to change. Hence, it is not easy when you want to bring in new things but change is the only constant things in the world. I am very happy that the Lord is working through us and with us. Nonetheless, we still expect more to be done before we take our bow.


Which are of your set goals would you like to improve upon Sir?

We are very much concerned about the training. If you go through some of our reports, a little over 2000 field officers have been trained so far since we assumed office, including those of us in the secretariat and other institutions of the Church. I want this to be improved upon. If we have about twelve thousand Pastors that are ordained ministers and we have trained less than 3000 then we wonder how it is going to be in the next few years that we have before us. Remember it is said, ‘if you don’t train them, you don’t blame them’. We have a lot of things to do in that area. Another is the reconciliation of the Church. We are working on that too. We are trying that which is possible but God does His own thing at His own time.

I will ask a question on the issue of reconciliation because you mentioned it. I know that some matters are pending in the law courts. Has there been contacts to renew the negotiation that was stalled?

Yes, we have been holding informal meetings for sometimes now. For instance, we met in June (The President went to his desk to bring out a “to-do” list for the day and showed this reporter. One of the items on that list was “prepare for meeting with Supreme”). We shall be meeting here by next week, God willing. I called Pastor Henry Ojo on phone a few days ago. We tried to meet this week but because of some other assignments which we both had it was agreed that we meet by next week. We trust God that something positive will come out of it all.

Early this year, you explained why the Church will not be holding regular ordination exercise as it used to be. It was your view that ordination of pastors should be on needs based on need. But there seems to be a change of that decision with the proposed ordination of the returnees. What informed that change?

The returnees are those that are not ministers of Christ Apostolic Church, but who have been convinced by the Lord that they should return their churches to the Christ Apostolic Church. This was extended to those that were ordained by Supreme Council who had come to this side. As part of our Human Capital Development program we intend to give them a short training before re-ordain them. The training will come at the end of the Pastors’ Conference and they will be ordained in December, God willing. In the nearest future, we shall ordain some other ministers on the field, who have had some years of experience after they graduated from the Seminary. By the grace of God, ordination shall still be on ‘needs basis’ but it is not going to be ‘business as usual’. That is why certain criteria are to be met first during screening of such candidates before they are pre-qualified for the ordination training. We need to be careful in order not to a mess of the whole thing.

Let’s come to state of the nation. Recently, there was “End Bad Governance” protest for ten days. Kindly assess this government, is it on the right track?

Well, it’s difficult to say because one is not privy to what is going on inside the cabinet and their meetings but what I know is that Nigeria is such a complex country to rule. It does not matter who is in charge, if the foundation is faulty then whoever rules will have some difficulty. For some years now, there has been advocacy for restructuring of the country. There won’t be rest until we do that. If for example we go back to regional government which was in existence before the advent of military rule in Nigeria then things will begin to take proper shape. Let every region control its resources. For those who are waving the flag of Russia, which is a kind of subtle invitation for military intervention, I am not sure they understand what exactly they are asking for. The question we should ask ourselves is, ‘why are we where we are today; and what can we do to get out of this quagmire?’ The military governments led us into all of these. Why, for instance, would you create more states in the North than in the South? Why would members of the House of Representative be more from the North than the South? The military gave us a constitution that was not practicable. Why do we have some items on exclusive legislative list which should ordinarily not be there? There are several areas of governance which are obviously skewed and promote inequality in our nation which the military gave us. Then what good will, a call for military intervention, do for us? However, if we go back to what used to obtain in the past and let every region develop at its own pace then things will work. We are building so much on these faulty foundation that need to be pulled down and restructured then power will not be concentrated at the centre. So, if only we are willing to do that, whoever leads will have no problem at all. Somebody said recently that if you take Lionel Merci the footballer and you ask him to face a second division team all alone, as good as he is, he cannot win such a football match why because it is a mis-match. So if you put the best of hands in charge of this country, with all the enormous, formidable, wicked and unrighteous people around there will not be a good outcome. What I know is that for this country to work, we must all decide to be a good people first who wants the best for our country then remove the faulty foundation on which this shaky structure is built and do things right. If we do it right then we shall get it right.

There is this conspiracy theory that enemies who are opposed to the regional governance initiative being made by the government of President Tinubu through the Bill of Regional governance which has gone through the second reading in the National Assembly are the ones behind the protests.

May be, may be not, I don’t know. What I know is that bad governance has been with us for a long time. Why didn’t people protest then? Especially in those parts of the country whose sons have been in Government for many years but where the lives of their people had almost been destroyed? Why is now they are suddenly realizing that there is bad governance and they want to protest? It is really amusing because there has been bad governance for years, especially in those parts of the country. People were killed, maimed, kidnapped and generally violated for many years in the past yet nobody complained over there simply because their kin was in power. Even when there was protest in this part of the country, nobody protested there. Hence, you cannot rule out politics.

What is your message to Christ Apostolics at these challenging times when cost of living is so high.

We are all Nigerians, we have to continue to look up to God and pray unto Him because He knows how to take care of His own. The message is not to CAC members alone but all Christians. God said, “Look unto me all the nations”. He knows how to take care of His own. Though things shouldn’t be like this anyway, if the right thing had been done in the past. But God will see us through. He said through it all, we are more than conqueror. It’s not easy but we shall come through it, in Jesus’Name.

In terms of care for the less privileged, what should the Christ Apostolic Church be doing?

That’s one of the duties of the Church. Let those who have, take care of those who do not. One of our Hymns in Christ Apostolic Church says: “behold I go, my poor are with you, take care of them as you may as occasion may warrant”. In the Epistle of James, which is the earliest epistle ever written before other epistles like Romans, Philippians etc. It is about practical Christianity and teaches how to use our tongue, how to relate to others, how to take care of the poor, the widows, strangers and the needy etc. When He was here physically, our Lord Jesus Christ went about doing good. The Bible says you go and do likewise. It is our duty to take care of those who are weak, who are poor, who are down-trodden and less privileged. Christ Apostolic Church as an organization is trying its best in this regard as we have provisions for the poor and needy, widowed and so on. We have had to give to communities that were attacked by armed bandits and reconstructed places of residences and worship where necessary. However, we cannot do this alone so we appeal to all our members to do the best they can to help their neighbours. God bless you.

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