CAC Pastors' Conference 2023: Pastor Omolola counsels Pastors on planning for retirement, says failure to plan leads to after-work regrets

Pastor Joseph Omolola

By 'Gbenga Bankole & Boluwatife Oparinde

"Planning is one of the major problems of mankind. There are many after-work regrets today because ministers of God failed to plan their rest well. If there is anything to effectively plan for, it is your retirement. God does not want us to suffer in our old age, but your planning determines how your old age will be," the Superintendent, Christ Apostolic Church Agbara DCC, Pastor Joseph Omolola has said. 

Speaking on the topic "Effective Retirement Plan for CAC Ministers", at the just concluded CAC 2023 Pastors' Conference held at Joseph Ayo Babalola Memorial International Miracle Camp, Ikeji Arakeji, Osun State, Pastor Omolola defined retirement as "the stage in one's life when one stops working on a permanent basis, usually because of old age or illness."

"Retirement is indeed a period of withdrawal from active job of one's means of livelihood. Retirement is a fluid concept because it connotes different things and is fraught with different experiences for different people," he said.

Stating the forms of retirement as voluntary and compulsory retirement, he expressed that ages 60-70 are the most productive age while ages 70-80 are the second most productive in life, buttressing the fact with a massive study held in America.

On the bible and the concept of retirement, the cleric explained that God Himself instructed the Levites to retire from work at a particular age, adding the following biblical facts that, old age is not useless, retirement is sweet after effective work (Eccl. 5:12); Levites (ministers of God) should retire (Num. 8:24a); the Levites enter into public ministry in the tabernacle at age 25 (Num. 8:24b); after retirement, they are to assist the active workers to take care of the tabernacle (Num. 8:26) and so on.

Relating the topic to the CAC context, the Superintendent noted that CAC ministers may retire voluntarily at age 65 and compulsorily at age 75, relating the retirement plans provided for the ministers as saving scheme, gratuity and retirement monthly package (stipends).

According to the clergyman, the hazards of not planning for retirement include, "ministers may die too early after retirement of loneliness and poor welfare; he may not have enough to care for himself since old age is more expensive than youthful age; he will not be ready for emergencies; he may be forced to change his lifestyle drastically."

Speaking to Pastors at the conference, Pastor Omolola said that, "the best time to start planning your retirement is when you are young. If you fail to take some planning steps when you are young, you will definitely not retire well," highlighting the steps to prepare for retirement as, "understanding your vision for ministry, marry early, set your retirement date, seek competent advice, make savings your priority, stay out of debt, participate and contribute to your employer's savings plan, don't touch your retirement savings, start a pension scheme early enough, prayer is key etc."

Upon retirement, the cleric advised that "when you are retired from active pulpit ministry, it is not advisable to just sit and eat the fruits of your labour without expending your energy on worthwhile activities. Go back to school and keep your mind alive and remain young. Take up counselling of younger ministries and families. Teach Sunday school. Engage in evangelism. Become a full-time intercessor. Lecture in Bible college. Give yourself to reading. Start writing books etc."

In his conclusion, Pastor Omolola told the Pastors to  accept the fact that one day or soon, you will retire, "start planning your retirement now. Start saving for your retirement. Start saving towards it right away. Start working on your family. Read/learn more about retirement."

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