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Pastor Taiwo Kayode |
By Olushola Adeola
The District Superintendent of Christ Apostolic Church, Amen and Amen District, Ikorodu DCC, Pastor Taiwo Kayode has stated that the two people who want to start a Christian home must first submit their lives totally to Jesus Christ, a carnal man can't obey God and cannot build a Christian home.
Pastor Kayode stated this recently while delivering a Lecture on the topic “The Ideal Home of Elders and Deaconesses" at the 2019 Elders and Deaconesses Refresher Course organized by CAC, Ikorodu DCC.
Speaking on the origin of the home, the Cleric said “marriage and family life were not ad-hoc arrangement which God thought of after mans fall in the garden of Eden. The institution started from the beginning of creation. Civilization has not made God change his plans, purpose and rules for family relationship, so for man to enjoy the benefits of the institution called family he needs to go back and study the blueprint for family relationship and stick to it."
While talking on the foundational pillars of a Godly home, the Pastor said “when it comes to the matter of starting a home, many Christians do not get God involved, they would rather make their choice and later ask God to bless the choice than allowing God to make the choice for them.
Highlighting the essential pillars needed to uphold a Christian home, Pastor Kayode mentioned the place of the word of God, the pillar of family alter, the pillar of sexual fidelity, mutual trust, pillar of forgiveness and the pillar of submission and love.
He said “God ordained marriage for the purpose of companionship, procreation and satisfaction of sexual desires .
Pastor Kayode in his lecture implored the Elders to love their wives and children as Christ loves the church and died for her.
He further implored them to seek for the general welfare of their homes by providing for their needs, stating that they should see to the development of members of their homes and be good mentors and also invest in their home.
He beseeched the deaconesses to develope a quiet and gentle spirit to exhibit a tender care for their homes, and to be a good wife and mother to their husbands and children.
He further enjoined the deaconesses to help their husbands to bring up children in a Godly way, adding that they should possess the trait of a virtuous woman and they must not allow their circular job to prevent them from performing their matrimonial duties.
He emphasized and begged the elders and deaconesses to parent their children in a godly way by intercession, modelling, consistent teaching, discipline, protecting them against sexual immoralities and rape, encouraging them to involve themselves in the work of God and trusting him completely.
While talking briefly on divorce and re-marrriage, he said “in the Bible, divorce is not allowed and whoever gets divorced therefore should remain single or otherwise reconcile”.
Highlighting the common problems in marriage, he mentioned lack of financial power especially in the man's life, interference from in-laws, lack of cooperation, comparism which brings inferiority complex, lack of genuine love, overdependence and sexual issues.
On solutions to the problems, he said: “no problem can stand unity, be united and approach God together in fervent prayer, seek counsel, and do not hide secret from one another”.